Monday, January 21, 2008

Another Snowy Monday

I won't bore you with more snow pictures, but it is snowing AGAIN and NOW IT IS REALLY COLD, and we are all sad today, the Packers lost yesterday and we (WISCONSINITES) were all hoping for a Super Bowl Trip. Oh well, there is always next year. I am going to start looking for quilty blogs and adding them to my favorites list (once I figure out how to add them) maybe I will look for some horsey blogs and add them too. I do have a sort of Christmas picture of our Girls to put in the slideshow, that was so easy to set up but now I can't figure out how to add photos to it. Guess I will have to play with it a little.

1 comment:

Teresa said...

Hi Jeanne,
Thanks for commenting on my blog. I have a younger sister who lives in Lodi, WI. Could that be close to you? We think Lodi is SO quaint, my husband and I jokingly refer to it as Mayberry. Your horses are beautiful! I know NOTHING about raising horses but as with many females, I always asked for one for Christmas until I was about twelve. I kept trying to convince my parents that Grandpa and Grandma's farm would be the ideal place to stable just a 'little horse', a pony perhaps? But no such luck!