Saturday, October 2, 2010

Been Quiet Lately

Not too much exciting going on around here, Well I guess I can't say that either. DD Kendra is engaged and the date is set for Memorial Day Weekend next year. We have been looking for dresses, Finally found "THE DRESS" Girls got bridesmaid dresses, etc. so that has been fun. I have been doing a little quilting and sewing, and gardening and canning etc. Life is GOOD. Fall is here (I always tell everyone I am here (Wisconsin) for those 3 weeks in Oct. and I guess they are here so I better enjoy them while I can.

Last night I got an early birthday present from Hubby, wish I had it in the house but not yet, still in the bed of his truck. He bought me a new to me Cedar Chest, I have never seen one like this before, it is more the size of a Night Stand and it has 2 false drawers in front and 1 real drawer (lined with cedar) on the bottom and the 2 false drawers are the cedar chest part. Also came with a piece of glass for the top so you can set things on top of it. LOVE IT, when we get it in the house I will post some pics of it.

I have gotten some new quilts, Toni at me this awesome crazy quilt. I LOVE IT, cozy and comfy.

And Elaine at sent me this box of WOOL to add to my stash. GREAT TO HAVE FRIENDS HEY!!!!!!!

those are my latest updates, nothing real exciting but some fun stuff.


Saturday, June 26, 2010

Check out my New Purchase

I got this little honey off ebay for a steal of a deal, it is hand stitched but machine quilted and I LOVE IT, just my style, cottage and homey style. Nothing fancy just cute. It is going to be hanging on my quilt rack in my sewing room so I can play with it when ever I want. It smells and looks like it has never been used, it has a couple of spots along the border that need to be restitched but other than that, it is in great shape, think it is from the 1940's. Anyway, I am happy with it. :) And that is Dandy our Rat Terrier who thinks the chair and the quilt belong to her. :)

Wednesday, May 5, 2010


Nicki is having an AWESOME GIVEAWAY, she is one of my favorite talented people. She hand dyes lace and to my surprise she does mosaics too and she has combined the 2 into an awesome gift. Go check it out.

Wednesday, March 24, 2010

Finished Quilt

Got this finished and I LOVE IT, looks vintage, and comfy too. Not quilted to death, I personally don't like quilts when they are so quilted that they feel "Stiff" I like the soft snuggly feeling better. And this one definately fits that bill.

Friday, March 12, 2010


I am working on a Vintage Linen 9 Patch quilt, I am looking for some advice, To Sash or Not To Sash, that is the question. Here are some pics without any sashing, I just laid some blocks down in no particular order so don't pay any attention to that part, just what you think of the no sashing look. TOO BUSY or VINTAGE??????

Any opinions or ideas?

Sunday, March 7, 2010


Here is the floss I got today to start my Wool Crazy Blocks, I have some crewel wool that I plan on intermingleing with this floss, I am still looking for some perle cotton to co ordinate too. I am getting impatient and want to get started but I want all my thread before I start. I said to someone today "Why can't I find what I want" and she said "Why can't you want what you find?" Great concept I guess.

Wednesday, February 24, 2010

Vintage Thursday Thingie

Iboght this plate for $1.50 at a flea market a couple of years ago and I LOVE IT. I don't think it is anything special but I fell in love with it as soon as I saw it, I haven't ever seen another one like it either. Fits right in my homey vintage kitchen. :)

Wednesday, February 17, 2010

Thursday Vintage Thingie

Long Time NO SEE, sorry to have disappeared but we have had some health issues for the past 8 months. Things seem to be going good now so I am back online. No pics for this, check my Valentines Day post, that is my Vintage Thingie, I found it at the local thrift shop and just couldn't pass it up. I THINK IT IS BRAND NEW AND WAS PUT AWAY WITHOUT EVER BEING USED. :) I AM THRILLED WITH IT. As you can see, so is our cat. We had a little fight over who really owns the afghan, guess who won?????

IT IS GREAT TO BE BACK, can't wait to check out everyone's treasures this week.

Sunday, February 14, 2010

Thrift Shopping

WOW, what a find. I LOVE Granny Square Afghans and this one is BEAUTIFUL!!!!!!!! not stretched out or mis shapen, colors are awesome and I fell in LOVE WITH IT. Got it today at the thrift store for $3.00. Couldn't pass it up. I went in looking for wool but came home with an afghan instead. :) And couldn't be happier with my find. As you can see our cat likes it too. And it is on a queen size bed. HUGE!!!!!!!!!!

Happy Valentines Day

Here are some Vintage Valentines, some of my favorites. Thought I would share them with you.

Enjoy your day whatever it is you have planned.

Friday, February 12, 2010


It has been a long winter here and I haven't had much time or ambition to blog, sad isn't it. But now I am ready for spring and ready to start new adventures. I just joined a new blog and this should be SOOO MUCH FUN. Nothing better than playing with wool and the local thrift store is having a 50% off day on Monday, EVERYTHING IN THE STORE IS 50% off, what more incentive do I need to go woolie shopping NOT MUCH!!!!!!!!!! IT is supposed to be warm here (20's is warm here for this time of year) this weekend and the sun is supposed to shine so I want to get my car washed, thinking of splurging and going into THE BIG CITY and getting it washed, some smell good added and I think they vacuum it out too. Exciting plans hey??????? And of course it is Valentines Day too. I bought Cupcakes so I am off the hook for buying or making anything. Also got a little cabinet (I will add a photo sometime soon) that I need to do some work on, I am hoping to be able to get the contact paper off the sides of it without having to strip the whole thing. I bought it at an auction for $1.00 and it is solid wood and has cool old metal hardware. Just needs a little TLC. So hopefully the weather co operates with me. WISH ME LUCK!!!!